Why Would I Upload Files via FTP?

Utilizing an FTP client server to upload files to an Automated File Campaign is an advanced user option that allows direct access to drop files into a campaign without visiting Postalytics after a campaign is created. It requires technical expertise and we highly recommend Postalytics users to use one of the two campaign file upload options found in our help article Automated File Campaign - Upload Files.

Before You Begin

There are several steps and some steadfast requirements for uploading files through FTP.

File Headers

Files must have the exact headers that were mapped when the campaign was created. 

A sample file with the specific file headers can be downloaded from the Campaign Dashboard’s Settings page.

On the Campaign Dashboard Home Page, click on “Settings”.

Then select, “Download Sample Mapping”. Use these specific headers for all files that are to be uploaded to this campaign.

File Type and Name Format

The contact mailing file types for Automated File Campaigns must be .csv, .xls, or .xlsx files. All other file types will be rejected as they are not supported. Ensure the file naming format begins with the Campaign Drop ID and an underscore before the remainder of the file name. For example:


When uploading files through the Postalytics Campaign Dashboard or Automated File Directory, as described in the help article mentioned above, this step is flexible as the system knows which campaign a file is being uploaded to and will add the Campaign Drop ID if it is missing. FTP file uploads do not work in the same way and the system does not know which campaign a file belongs to unless the Campaign Drop ID Number is included in the file name. This must be included in the file name, in the correct format - see sample file name above.

The Campaign Drop ID Number is found on the Campaign Dashboard, next to the Campaign Name on the left side.

Uploading files via FTP Client

You’ll be connecting to a Postalytics file repository for your account, via FTP client, and will need specific information in order to access it. 

Postalytics Account

Have your Postalytics Username and Password available.

Host Server and Port

The Host Server and Port information can be found on the Settings page of an Automated File Campaign. Navigate to the Campaign Dashboard, and click on “Settings”.

Just under the “Download Sample Mapping” area, discussed above, you’ll find the Host Server and Port information needed.

There are many FTP client options available to you. For the purposes of this article, we are using the FTP client FileZilla to connect and send files. 

To learn more about and/or use FileZilla, visit their website https://filezilla-project.org/

From the FileZilla page, enter the following fields in the top section:

  • Host Server

  • Postalytics Account Username

  • Postalytics Account Password

  • Port

 Then click on “Quickconnect”.

Once connected to the remote site, drag and drop the properly named mailing files for processing to your Automated File Campaign(s).

File Management via the Automated File Directory

With the FTP file upload option, you will not receive instant feedback letting you know if the file was processed successfully, or if there was an error due to improperly named files or files with incorrect headers. However, each file uploaded through FTP can be viewed, monitored, and managed from the Automated File Directory within your Postalytics account. Here you’ll view the status of a file, as well as have the ability to download, copy, and even delete files.

Our help article Automated File Campaign - Management, provides a thorough walk through of the Automated File Directory and its file management capabilities.