Postalytics Event Status Codes are designed to simplify the workflow for marketers, sales teams, and business individuals. They automate the handling of delivery and response campaign data, facilitating seamless integration with Marketo, empowering users to efficiently execute various automation tasks related to direct mail campaigns. 

Postalytics Event Status Codes In Marketo

Postalytics will automatically send the event status codes, that were selected during the integration set up, back to your Marketo Activities. Activities are a historical view of events that a given Person has been a part of. 

To access the Activities, open the record of the Person in your Smart List and then navigate to the Activity Log tab.

The Activity Log will show you the history of Postalytics Mail Events, along with all other Postalytics activities, such as list additions and triggered drip campaign inclusion.

The “Postalytics Mail Event” Activity

Each Postalytics Mail Event can be “drilled down” by clicking on the ID number at the far left. You’ll then be able to view the Postage Class and Event Type, the Postalytics campaign name it was used in, the Campaign Drop ID, and the Mail Format. 

Activities can be used for additional automation tasks, see examples below, and when creating smart lists or campaigns, Activities can be used as filters, searchable on any field.

The Postalytics Mail Event activity is listed under Filters > Custom.

Common Postalytics Event Status Code Use Cases  

Some typical things that marketers focus on include:

  • Sending an email to a mail recipient based on the timing of the mail delivery

  • Triggering the next step in a workflow

  • Sending a text message to a sales rep when a mail recipient completes their online goal URL

What Are The Postalytics Status Codes? 

MailPieceCreated – the mailpiece final PDF has been generated and sent to the print delivery network for fulfillment. 

Addressed – some campaigns will create an event when the addressing of the mailpiece is completed. 

Printed – some campaigns will create an event when the printing of the mailpiece is completed. 

Mailed – the mailpiece has received the initial scan from the USPS (this is often 12-24 hours after the hand-off from the printer to the USPS). 

InTransit – the mailpiece is being processed at the entry/origin facility. 

InLocalArea – the mailpiece is being processed at the destination facility. 

ProcessedForDelivery – the mailpiece has been greenlit for delivery at the recipient’s nearest postal facility. The mailpiece should reach the mailbox within 1 to 2 business days of this scan event. Our experience is that the majority of deliveries occur within 1 day of this scan. 

**Note** Use this status code to trigger other actions based on mail delivery. For example, you can use the Processed For Delivery event, with a 2 day “Wait” in an automation sequence, to send automated messages out to coincide with mail delivery.

ReRouted – the mailpiece is re-routed due to recipient change of address, address errors, or USPS relabeling of barcode/ID tag area.

ReturnedToSender – The mailpiece is being returned to sender due to barcode, ID tag area, or address errors.

pURLOpened – the recipient has visited their pURL. Each visit will trigger a new event.

pURLCompleted – the recipient has visited their Goal URL. Each visit will trigger a new event.

Status Codes for Canadian Mailings

Because Canada Post does not provide tracking through the mail stream, mailings in Canada will have fewer Event Status Codes available. For Canadian mailings, the Status Codes available are:

MailPieceCreated – the mailpiece final PDF has been generated and sent to the print delivery network for fulfillment.

Addressed – the addressing of the mailpiece has been completed.

Printed – the printing of the mailpiece has been completed.

Mailed – the printer has handed off the mailpiece to Canada Post.

pURLOpened – the recipient has visited their pURL. Each visit will trigger a new event.

pURLCompleted – the recipient has visited their Goal URL. Each visit will trigger a new event.