The Campaign Dashboard

Now that your Automated File Campaign has been created, tested and toggled to “Live Mode”, with direct mail credits in queue, we’ll walk through how you can manage the campaign within the Campaign Dashboard. 

Navigate to Your Campaign Dashboard

From your Postalytics home page, select “View Campaigns” from the Campaigns dropdown menu.

The Campaign Library shows all of the campaigns you’ve created, including campaigns in draft mode, live mode and test mode. Select the campaign you wish to view by clicking on the campaign image or the dashboard icon.

The Campaign Dashboard is where you’ll manage the campaign as well as see an overview and detailed information of what’s going on with the campaign. Things like:

  • View and Update Campaign Settings
  • Toggle the Campaign from Test to Live Mode
  • Turn on and off Online Tracking
  • Preview the Created Mail Piece(s)
  • Print and Delivery Information
  • Online Activity
  • Conversion Goals
  • Detailed Event Information
  • Uploaded Files (A feature specific to Automated File Campaigns)

In this article we’ll be covering what is specific to managing your Automated File Campaign. 

For all of the other aspects of the Campaign Dashboard, you’ll want to check out our other help articles related to Understanding the Campaign Dashboard. 

Campaign Dashboard Features for Automated File Campaigns 


The Campaign Settings page is where you’ll find some key pieces for managing your Automated File Campaign. 

For any of the settings features not covered in this article, please see our help article Direct Mail Campaign Settings Page.

Click on the Settings icon in the upper right area of the dashboard.

On the Campaign Settings page, the first thing you’ll notice is a “Download Sample Mapping” button. Use this to download a sample file with your mapping. It may come in handy for future list uploads, as the headers will need to be the same.

Next is the Host Server and port. These will be used if you are uploading files through the FTP client. This type of file upload is an advanced feature that is outlined in our help article Automated File Campaigns - FTP File Upload.

Finally, specific to the Automated File Campaign settings is the Default File Delay. Here you can edit the delay that was set during the initial campaign build. Click the dropdown button to select the desired delay, if any.

If you made any changes to the settings of your campaign, be sure to scroll down and select “Save Settings”.

Then, to return to the dashboard, select “Back to the Dashboard”.


Back on the Campaign Dashboard, there are two toggle options just underneath Settings:

  • Test Mode/Live Mode

  • Online Tracking is Off/Online Tracking is Live

These can be toggled on and off as needed for any testing or updates.

When you have additional files to upload to this campaign, you can easily do that from the dashboard. We’ll cover that in our help article Automated File Campaigns - Upload Files.

File Upload History View

The very last section of the dashboard is where you’ll see all of the files that have been uploaded to this campaign since the Campaign was created. As with the other sections in the dashboard, you can export this data by clicking on “Export Data”.

This is also where you can easily navigate to the Automated File Directory, which we’ll review next.


Automated File Directory

The Automated File Directory serves as a file management hub for all of your Automated File Campaigns. You’ll be able to see which files are delayed (if a delay is set for a campaign), which have been processed, and if any files have errors, all in one place.

There are two ways to access the directory.

  1. Click on the blue “Manage Uploads” button in the Campaign Dashboard as shown above.

  2. Select Connect from the main menu drop down and then Automated File Directory under the Connect options on the left hand side as shown below.

Once in the directory, select the campaign you’d like to view, by clicking the “Search by Campaign” drop down menu.

Select the campaign, and then select “Search”. You’ll now see all of the files that have been uploaded to that campaign, and the following information for each file:

  • File Name

  • Campaign Name

  • Date of Upload

  • Scheduled Date

  • Size of the File

  • Status

The file status updates include:

  • Queued: A file is ready for processing, and its contacts will be added to your     campaign shortly.   

  • Delayed: Associated with the campaign’s initial delay setting, which was chosen at time of campaign creation. A delayed file will display the date that the file will begin processing.  

  • Processed: The file has been processed and valid contacts have been added to your campaign.

  • Error: Something has gone wrong with the file. Hover over the Error icon to learn more details. Errors can include incorrectly named files, headers that do not match, and invalid file types. Most often errors pertain to files that are uploaded through the FTP option. 

Files here can be managed individually by clicking on the ellipsis - giving you the ability to:

  • Send Now - selecting this will immediately process the delayed file, without changing the delay set within the campaign

  • Delete a File - deleting a file before it has finished processing will stop the file for process completion

  • Download a File

  • Adjust the Delay Timing


Finally, files that have been uploaded to your campaigns are visible within “Logs”. This is a view only option, showing if a file was successfully processed.

Click on “Logs” from the main menu dropdown, or from the left side menu when you are in one of the Connect pages.