We recommend creating your own master client account, which means you’ll have your own PRO Plan account with these benefits:
- Create and send your own campaigns, just like your clients.
- Create, edit and manage creative templates for distribution to client accounts.
- Purchase Direct Mail Credits in bulk, taking advantage of price discounts on larger quantities.
- Distribute Direct Mail Credits to your clients. Note: this functionality is available via the Postalytics API. For non API users, we can accommodate distribution to client accounts with some backend work on our part, so please contact us to learn more.
Client Account Profile Information
Enter the contact information for whomever you would like to receive system notifications for things such as list upload completions, etc. If you are handling all of the campaigns, including list uploads, etc., enter your Agency information here. If your client is going to be involved in these steps, enter their information.
Client Billing Information
Enter the contact information for whomever you would like to receive billing emails. If you are handling the billing with your client directly, enter your information here. If you’d like invoices for orders sent to your client (with your branding), enter your client information here.

Sample invoice from the Agency to Client: