Creating and purchasing highly targeted mailing lists is now faster and easier than ever. Our seamless, integrated solution allows you to build and buy lists directly within your account—no more dealing with third-party sellers, filling out tedious forms, or waiting for quotes and approvals. Purchased lists are instantly added to your account and ready to fuel your next campaign.

With a minimum of just 20 records, you can quickly find, purchase, and mail to your ideal audience. Choose from detailed demographic, firmographic, and behavioral insights, all sourced from our industry-leading marketing database of 280 million consumers and 28 million businesses.

Guide to Using the List Buying Tool

Lists Menu

Two new menu items have been added to the List main menu:

  • Buy Audience List
  • Saved Audiences

To Begin

Click “Buy Audience List”.

Welcome Screen

Until an audience has been built, purchased and saved, the Welcome screen shown below will appear.

Build Audience - Data Sources

Click on “Build Audience List” to navigate to the data source selection page, containing all data source categories available for query. Each data source category summarizes what the list is along with the cost per record. Email and Phone outputs are additional charges on most data sources. Those costs are also listed here.

Click “Build Audience” for the chosen data source category. 

Build Audience - Selects

Every data source category available will have a different set of selects, however, the general layout and the process for selection is the same for all.

Use the following images and corresponding descriptions to assist with the list build selection process.

1 - Select Type: Use the drop down to select the de-dup option for the output. Choices include:

  • One per individual

  • One per address

  • One per household

  • All*

*Note that if selecting "All", there may be duplicate records that will be included in the final cost.

2 - Phones/DNC: Not all data source categories have phone outputs available, but those that do will have a drop down for selecting the phone type available on the record to be selected for output. Choices include:

  • Landline

  • Mobile

  • Mobile numbers (priority) + Landlines

  • Landlines (priority) + Mobile numbers 

*  Note that most phone outputs will incur additional per record fees. You will be asked to confirm this selection before being able to move forward.
3 - DNC: If Phone is selected, DNC becomes available as a toggle, giving you the option to include or exclude records with the phone number on the Do Not Call list.

4 - Emails:  If the Email is toggled to “Yes”, then all output records must have an email.

*  Note that most email outputs will incur additional per record fees. You will be asked to confirm this selection before being able to move forward.

5 - Category: These are the top level categories for this data source. The categories listed here will differ for each data source but many will be the same. Click on a category to display a list of its subcategories.

6 - Subcategory: These are the subcategories for the category selected. Click on a subcategory to display a list of select options for that subcategory.

7 - Selects: This area will display one of a few different select types based on the subcategory selected. Below is an example of each:

  • Search - The search box allows you to type in search text with the results shown below it. Click anywhere on the row to select. Multiple selections can be made.

  • Preset List  - Some subcategories have a small pre-defined list of selects, and will not offer the search feature. Click anywhere on the row to select. Multiple selections can be made.

  • Range - Some subcategories require a range of values. In these cases, enter the two values and click the plus to add the select.

  • Freeform - Some subcategories require freeform text. The text can be matched as “Exact” or as “Like” using the toggle. If toggled to “Exact” the text must match exactly. If toggled to “Like”, it will match a partial of the text entered.

  • SIC Codes - This is a special sector only available in the business data source categories. The ability to drill down the tree of SIC codes, or search for an SIC code(s) or SIC name(s) is available. 

8 - Basic Selects: This section displays what was chosen in the basic select options such as de-dup, email, etc.
9 - Geography: This is an overview of the geography selects such as cities, state, zip codes, etc. Within this grouping, individual selects are considered an “OR” grouping. This means that records must match at least one of the filters. For example, the city selections are Portland, CT and Portland, ME, so records from both cities will be included.

10 - All-Of Grouping: To add items to this group, select the radio button and then make your selections. Within this grouping, individual selects are considered an “AND” grouping, meaning records must match all of the filters. For example, Address Type and Estimated Age selections were made, so records of those who live in a single family dwelling AND are between the ages of 30 and 75 will be included.

11 - One-Of Grouping: To add items to this group, select the radio button and then make your selections. Within this grouping, individual selects are considered an “OR” grouping meaning records must match at least one of the filters. For example, Camping / Hiking, Fishing, and RV Owner were selected, so records of those who like camping OR fishing OR own an RV will be included.

12 - Create One-Of Grouping: Multiple One-Of groupings can be added, without a limit. Clicking this button will create a new section to add desired filters. 

13 - Omit: Clicking the omit icon indicates an omit case for a particular filter. For example, if camping is omitted, the One-Of grouping will only select individuals who do not like camping OR do like fishing OR do have an RV.  

14 - Remove: Clicking the trash icon on a filter will remove it and recalculate the count. Clicking on the trash icon in line with the One-Of Grouping heading will remove the entire grouping and recalculate the count.

15 - Count: The Count total is dynamically updated as selections are made.

16 Limit: If you would like to limit the number of records in the list, do so within the “Limit” box. 

*  Note that there is a limit minimum of 100.

A limit that is greater than the current count is not allowed, and clearing the limit will return the count to its original number.

17 - Price: Pricing is dynamically updated as the count changes. Unit price varies by the data source. A single line total will be shown if the phone and/or email selections are not made. If those outputs are selected, those line totals will also be shown.

18 - Output Fields: Clicking on “Output Fields” displays a set of checkboxes representing all of the output options available for that particular data source category. The total number of possible output fields allowed is 40. All of the required mailing output fields are pre-selected and cannot be unselected. If phone or email has been selected in the prior steps, those will automatically be selected as output fields here.

19 - Sample: Clicking “Sample” will query the data source for 3-5 records matching the selections and show a pop up window with the results, including all of the output fields chosen. We recommend using this feature to check the selections made before purchasing the list.

20 - Buy: Click “Buy” to see a sample of the selections made and confirm all selections and outputs.

Clicking the “Buy” button again on this page will walk you through the final checkout process.

List Import

Once an audience has been created, and the list purchased, the data is automatically mapped and imported into your account. To view the list, click “View Lists” from the main Lists menu.


Field mappings are done based on the output fields selected.

Saved Audiences 

The audience definition is saved within “Saved Audiences” when an audience list has been purchased.

The Saved Audiences library allows you to view, search, sort, and page though existing audiences, as well as:

  • Check the status of the audience being processed

  • Clone an audience

  • Delete an audience

  • Manually retry

  • Begin the process of creating a new audience 

1 - Clone: Copy the full set of selects and outputs previously chosen, to use as the starting point for a new audience. Clicking “Clone” will copy the audience configuration and redirect to the selection screen with all of the filters populated. Edit as needed.

2 - Delete: Remove the audience selection from the account.

3 - Retry: If an audience list has not been imported within 15 minutes, the option to do a manual retry is available. If the problem persists, please contact support.