Our Basic HubSpot Integration makes it easy to trigger direct mail from HubSpot Workflows. Now, marketers can send individual pieces of direct mail (letters, postcards or self mailers) without human intervention, 24×7. After a little bit of setup, direct mail is printed, mailed and tracked when conditions in HubSpot trigger Postalytics.

Setup Your HubSpot Basic Integration 

Before you can trigger direct mail from HubSpot Workflows, you need to configure your Basic HubSpot Integration for Contacts. It should only take a minute or two and then you can come back to this article.

With the Basic Postalytics Integration, we utilize the HubSpot Workflow Extensions tool to automatically enable your Triggered Drip Campaign to appear within HubSpot Workflows. This means you don’t need to “Trigger a Webhook” and worry about the copy/paste of long URLs.

Create A Postalytics Triggered Drip Campaign

To create your Triggered Drip Campaign, start from the top menu navigation: Campaigns > New Campaign > Triggered Drip > HubSpot. 

The Wizard will then walk you through each step in creating the campaign.

Add an Action in Your HubSpot Workflow 

Next, create your HubSpot Workflow, set your trigger, then click the plus sign to “Add an Action” to indicate that you want to trigger a mailpiece. Scroll down the right hand panel to the Postalytics section and select “Send Direct Mail with Postalytics”.

HubSpot Workflow Trigger

Map Your HubSpot Contact Data For Personalization 

Next, you’ll map the data from your HubSpot Contact record into Postalytics, making sure that all of the appropriate name, address and other personalization data that your creative template is using is mapped in from your HubSpot Contacts.
Select your Triggered Drip Campaign from the drop down and then map your HubSpot contact data using the Contact Token drop downs. You can choose from the standard Postalytics Contact fields plus an additional 10 user defined fields – referred to as
 Variable Data fields.

The great thing about this mapping capability is that you can use HubSpot data to personalize your templates. When you’re building your templates, you can insert the same Variable Data fields that you are mapping in this step. So, if you’d like to print “Company Name” in the creative, by mapping the field here, you can do it automatically.

You can also use the data fields that you map to drive dynamic content with the Variable Logic feature. For example, you could map a Variable Data field to the “HubSpot Lead Score” field, then in the Direct Mail Template Editor, create logic to show one set of images and copy to the segment with Lead Scores under 50 and a different set to the segment with Lead Scores 50 and over.

The mapping process is simple. See below:

WFE Mapping

Once completed and authorized, the Triggered Drip Campaign is ready to test. 

Your Triggered Drip Campaign Is In “Test Mode” By Default 

By default, when you set up a Triggered Drip Campaign in Postalytics, it will initially be in “Test Mode“. This feature enables you to test your Workflow to make sure that it is triggering the way you wanted, and that the connection to the Postalytics campaign is working – all without actually sending mail and using your Direct Mail Credits!

To test the Workflow, we recommend manually enrolling a contact with the Enroll button to trigger one or more test contacts:

Now you can then go to the Postalytics Campaign Dashboard to view the mailers created by clicking the “Preview Created Mail” button. 

A popup window will appear with PDF renderings of each of the mailpieces generated for your test records. 

Remember that since you are in test mode, none of these pieces have actually been sent to the printer. However, once your campaign has been toggled to “Live Mode” and your triggers are coming through, clicking “Preview Created Mail” will show live mail that has actually been sent to the printer.

When you’re happy with the results, ensure your HubSpot Workflow is live and toggle your Postalytics Triggered Drip campaign to Live Mode. If needed, then purchase your Direct Mail Credits within Postalytics.

To Turn Your Campaign “Live” You Need Credits 

Before you’re able to toggle your campaign to “Live Mode”, you’ll need to have at least 100 Direct Mail credits for the format that you’ve chosen. (By format, we mean the creative format/postage combination, such as 4×6 First Class, 6×9 Standard, or Custom Envelopes). If you already have credits, your campaign will seamlessly turn live when toggled.

If you don’t have at least 100 credits, a pop up window will appear when you use the toggle to switch to live mode from the Campaign Dashboard. Select “Purchase Credits Now” and proceed with the steps to purchase credits.

Purchase Credits Warning Pop Up Direct Mail

Now that your campaign is live it will “listen” for your automated trigger, and send the postcard or letter you’ve chosen to each recipient with no further interaction. 

You can just sit back and relax while the campaigns keep rolling along.