To add a new Client Account, referred to as Sub Accounts, navigate to the Agency Home dashboard and click on 'Add New Client' to get started. We recommend that you set up a master Client Account for your own Agency use as well. Depending on what you’ve completed, your Agency Home dashboard will look like:


You’ll arrive at the below screen:
Next fill in the required fields. It's important to note that the username must be unique, but the email address does not.
Next go into your New Account Profile Settings:
Next fill in Client Login Details and Billing Information and then click 'Save Profile'
Create a username and password for the account, which will enable clients to login to Postalytics. This will be the “Primary User” of this Client Account, with full access privileges. If you’d like to prohibit your client users from accessing payment, order and other information, don’t share this user name/password information with them, but create “Users” in the account per the below instructions.
It is important to keep this user name and password, as you’ll probably refer to many times over the course of your Agency Edition usage. We recommend that you keep all of your user names and passwords in a secure place for easy retrieval.
For each Client Account, you can decide to enter your Agency information in the profile, or the client’s information. Determine this by how you are structuring the billing for the Client Account. If your client’s credit card will be used and you’d like them to receive white-labeled invoices from the Agency, then enter the client’s information here. If you are managing the campaigns and payments, and then billing the clients separately, you’ll want to enter your information here to prevent your client from receiving any communications.