Postalytics delivers the most comprehensive, easy to use direct mail analytics of any tool available. Imagine knowing exactly what the delivery and response status is of each postcard or letter you send. All of it rolled up into useful metrics for you to help pinpoint exactly what works and what doesn’t.
Postalytics tells you what’s happening, in real time, after you send your mail.
“Home” in Postalytics is where your direct mail analytics begin. The Home page is a dashboard that rolls up all of the mailings you’ve done into several charts and graphs that provide insight into what campaigns have been sent, the delivery and response status of all of your mail, and how your various campaigns have impacted your conversion goals.

You also get very detailed campaign specific dashboards in Postalytics. These can be accessed by clicking “Campaigns” and “View Campaigns” on the top navigation menu. You can then click on the “Hamburger Menu” for the campaign (shown below) or for a specific mail drop within a campaign.
When you access a campaign dashboard, you’ll be able to drill into an incredible amount of real time data about your campaign. For more information, see the “Understanding Your Campaign Dashboard” article.