How To Trigger Direct Mail From HighLevel

Postalytics makes it easy to trigger direct mail from HighLevel, allowing you to send individual letters, postcards or self mailers, automatically, 24×7. After a bit of setup, direct mail is printed, mailed and tracked when HighLevel triggers Postalytics.

Set Up Your HighLevel Integration

Before you can trigger direct mail, you’ll need to set up your HighLevel Integration with Postalytics. If you haven’t yet set this up, please do so by following these directions.

Create A Postalytics Triggered Drip Campaign

To enable your workflow to send data to your Postalytics Triggered Drip Campaign, you’ll be setting up a Webhook action, based on the trigger of your choice.

The first step is to create your Postalytics Triggered Drip Campaign using the Triggered Drip Campaign Wizard. 

Start from the top menu navigation: Campaigns > New Campaign > Triggered Drip > HighLevel. The Wizard will walk you through each step in creating the campaign.

Note: If you don’t see HighLevel as an option, it means the integration hasn’t been set up or completed. This will need to be done before moving forward. See our help doc HighLevel Integration for instructions on setting up this integration.

Once the Triggered Drip Campaign has been created in Postalytics, the Webhook URL will need to be copied and added to the webhook workflow created within HighLevel. 

To find the webhook URL, open your campaign list and locate the newly created campaign. Click on the ellipsis next to it, and select "Settings". 

This will bring you to the information page for your Triggered Drip Campaign.



Leave this page open for now so that you can copy the Webhook URL, and add it as the URL in our HighLevel workflow webhook when you are at that step.

Create your Workflow in HighLevel

The next step is to create your HighLevel Workflow.

In HighLevel, select “Automation”, and then select “+ Create workflow” in the upper righthand corner.

Here, you’ll have the option to select from a menu of pre-built workflows or start from scratch. Since triggering to Postalytics requires a webhook, you’ll need to build your workflow by clicking “Continue” in the Start from scratch section.

Name your workflow, and then click the light blue box in the top center “Add New Trigger”. 

Next, select your trigger of choice from the options on the left. For this article, we are selecting “Contact Changed”.

On the next screen you can update the trigger and/or add filters, if needed. Once complete, click “Save Trigger”.

If you have additional Triggers and/or actions needed before a record is triggered to Postalytics, add them to the workflow. Otherwise, select the “+” under the trigger to add an action. 

To add the webhook action (required for Postalytics) begin typing “webhook” into the search bar, then select “Webhook”.

Now, head back over to the Postalytics window that you previously left open and add the following details into the HighLevel webhook setup:

  1. Set the Method to POST

  2. From Postalytics, copy the Request Method URL (all characters after POST:) and paste it into the URL field in HighLevel

  3. Under Headers, add two sections.

    1. Key = Authorization

Value = copy/paste the Authorization header from Postalytics. You’ll find this in the Request Headers section under the Request Method URL you just pasted above. 

  1. Key = Content-Type 

Value = copy/paste application/json from Postalytics, also in the Request Headers section.

Your webhook should resemble the following image. If it does, click “Save Action”.

Finally, click “Save” in the upper right hand corner. Your workflow is now ready.

Let’s test it out!

Your Triggered Drip Campaign in Postalytics is defaulted to ‘Test Mode’. All Triggered Drip Campaigns are set this way initially as a feature that enables you to test your workflow to make sure that it is firing properly, and that the connection to the Postalytics Campaign is working the way you want to. This can all be done in ‘Test Mode’ without actually sending mail and using your Direct Mail Credits!

To test the Workflow, you’ll first need to publish the workflow in HighLevel. 

Click the “Publish” toggle and then “Save”.

Next, we recommend manually updating one or more contacts, based on the trigger you selected, to trigger the workflow and send data over to Postalytics.

In the Postalytics app, visit the dashboard for your Triggered Drip Campaign, in test mode. 

When you trigger mail to your campaign in Test Mode, it will generate a PDF that you can easily review. Click 'Preview Created Mail'. A popup window will appear with a PDF of each mailpiece generated for your test records. The PDF is exactly what gets created in a “Live” campaign, it just doesn’t get printed and mailed.

Remember that since you are in test mode, none of these pieces have actually been sent to the printer. However, once your campaign has been toggled to “Live Mode” and your triggers are coming through, clicking 'Preview Created Mail' will show live mail that has actually been sent to the printer.

With a successful test, you’re ready to flip your Postalytics Triggered Drip campaign to "Live Mode", and, if needed, purchase your Direct Mail Credits.

To Ensure Your Campaign is "Live" You’ll Need Credits

Postalytics Triggered Drip Campaigns will not function without at least 100 Direct Mail credits, in the correct format for the campaign. "Format" refers to the creative format and postage combination. For example if you are mailing a 4×6 Postcard with First Class postage, you’ll need to purchase Direct Mail credits for 4x6 First Class. You cannot use credits that have been purchased for a different format and postage class. 

If you already have credits, your campaign will seamlessly flip to Live Mode when you manually toggle it over from "Test Mode".

However, if you don’t have at least 100 credits, in the proper format, you’ll need to purchase them. If you do not have enough credits, a pop up window will appear when the campaign is toggled to Live Mode on the Campaign Dashboard, where you can purchase them. Select "Purchase Credits Now" and proceed with the steps to purchase credits.

Postalytics Dashboard Live Mode TogglePurchase Credits Warning Pop Up Direct Mail

Once live, with enough credits in queue, there is nothing more for you to do. The Campaign will “listen” for HighLevel to trigger it, and will send the postcard, letter or self mailer you’ve chosen to each recipient with no further interaction.