Within your Agency account you have the ability to create, proof and "generate" Custom Prebuilt Templates for distribution across any of your client subaccounts. To access the Custom Prebuilt Template workflow, select the 'Templates' link from the account dropdown.

From the Custom Prebuilt Template screen you can create, edit, copy, proof & generate, or delete templates for your Agency Prebuilt Template Library.

Step 1: Click 'Create New Template' and follow the steps to create your template.

Step 2: After creating & proofing, click 'Generate' to save the template to your Agency Prebuilt Template Library.

Step 3: Describe your template with a unique name and filtering tags. Then generate the template, which now shows up in the Custom Prebuilt screen for any future updates. Click 'Add to Agency Library' and the template will be copied into the Agency Library.

Step 4: Select "Accounts Library" from the left side menu, under Templates

From the Manage Your Accounts Prebuilt Template Library screen you can:

  • Use the Filters on the left to show only the prebuilt templates you want to Insert or Remove from your Client's Library.
  • Click to select individual templates or use the Select/Deselect Current View tools to manage all.
  • Use the drop down menus to choose Insert or Remove to add or delete chosen templates from the chosen Client Accounts Library.

Once templates have been shared, they can be accessed in the client account by selecting 'New Template' from the Creative dropdown tab, and then selecting 'Choose Prebuilt'.

The Client's Prebuilt Library will now show the available templates. After clicking the Edit Icon, the template will open in the Template Editor

Here the client can make edits where allowed, add campaign tracking such as pURLs and QR Codes, add personalization, and proof the template for use in a campaign. Note, any changes to the prebuilt template in the clients account will not effect the master templates saved in the Agency Library.