
Our latest Premium Integration for HubSpot is an enhanced and flexible v2 integration, available only with Postalytics subscription plans (Marketer, Pro, Agency, Annual Commit). 

Premium Integration for HubSpot (HubSpot Premium) not only supports Contact Objects, but now also supports Company Objects, as well as Deals*, Tickets*, and Custom* Objects

*Note: If using a Deal, Ticket or Custom object, the required address fields to mail must be included in the object. 

**Not all HubSpot editions allow for custom fields within an object, so it's important to review your specific edition capabilities before proceeding with Deals, Tickets or Custom objects.

Another key feature with HubSpot Premium  is that you get to choose if you want to receive Postalytics events back into HubSpot, and even which events you want to receive. The events are now visible in the HubSpot Timeline making them easier to locate and build additional automation with.

There’s no need to worry if you are a free plan user or a subscription plan user not interested in utilizing Premium Integration for HubSpot. Our original HubSpot Integration, now known as Basic Integration for HubSpot (or HubSpot Basic), is still available and supported with no changes. To learn more about setting up the Basic Integration for HubSpot, see our help doc, Basic Integration for HubSpot Contacts.

HubSpot Premium Overview

As you can see, HubSpot Premium is a significant upgrade from HubSpot Basic. In addition to many more ways to integrate direct mail with HubSpot Premium, Postalytics no longer creates a custom HubSpot property for each campaign. Instead, it provides a far more flexible solution for customers to select if and which Postalytics Events update the HubSpot Timeline with Activity Events and Postal Mail Engagements. This provides a far more powerful way for marketers to manage and report on their mail activity within HubSpot.

HubSpot Premium

HubSpot Basic

Import HubSpot Contact Lists



HubSpot Contact Workflows



HubSpot Timeline Integration


Flexible Postalytics Event Integration


HubSpot Activity Event Integration


HubSpot Postal Mail Engagement Integration


HubSpot Company Workflows


Hubspot Custom Object Workflows


HubSpot Custom Property Created For Each Campaign


About the HubSpot Premium Integration for Company / Other Objects

HubSpot Premium requires separate integrations for the Contact Object AND the Company / Other* Objects. If you want the option to use one or more objects, you’ll need to set up an integration for each.

*Custom Objects, Deals, Tickets, or any other Object that can be used in a HubSpot Workflow, will use the HubSpot Premium Object Integration to begin the integration.

Your Postalytics account can have Contact Object Integration, Company Integration, Other Object Integration, Basic Integration, and even multiples of each! This gives you the most flexibility to choose which integration works best for any given campaign.

Setup HubSpot Premium Company/Other Objects

The remainder of this article will walk you through the steps to set up the HubSpot Premium Company or Other Object Integration

Check out our 2 part help videos as well. 

Part 1 (scroll down to Setup a HubSpot Workflow Webhook Activity for part 2):

To set up the Contact Object Integration, see our help article, HubSpot Premium Integration for Contact Object.

It’s important to note that if you’ll be using Company, Deal, Ticket, or another custom object, you’ll want to set up an integration specifically for that object, using these same steps, for each one.

Getting Started in Postalytics

Begin by selecting ‘Connect' in the dropdown menu under your account username, then click on “Connect App Marketplace”.

On the Connect App Marketplace page, click on “details” under the HubSpot icon.

You’ll be directed to the HubSpot integration page, where you’ll see the HubSpot integration choices you have. Choose “Add HubSpot Premium Object Integration”.

A popup window will appear where you’ll first log into your HubSpot account and then select the account to connect.

The next window is where you’ll name the integration. 

If you’ll be setting up multiple integrations for objects, it’s recommended that you include the object name here so that it’s identifiable later as you're building out campaigns.

Then select whether or not you’d like to receive Postalytics events posted back to the HubSpot Timeline. Select either “Yes”’ or “No”. 

Note: Due to HubSpot limitations, only Contact and Company Objects can receive events back into HubSpot.

  • Selecting "No" means you will not receive any event status codes back into HubSpot.
  • Selecting “Yes” allows you to then choose which of the event statuses you’d like to receive back onto the HubSpot Timeline. 

Postal Mail Engagement

Choosing to receive the event “Mailed” engages the new native HubSpot Contact activity type “Postal Mail Engagement” and will automatically update each time a Contact receives a “Mailed” event type from Postalytics. Previously, this was a manual process - another helpful upgrade to save you time. 

For these events, the timeline will be updated with a single event using the Postal Mail Engagement field similar to the image below:

Setup a HubSpot Workflow Webhook Activity

Help video Part 2:

To use the HubSpot Company Object, or another HubSpot Object, including Custom Objects, with Postalytics, a Webhook is required. For the initial integration set up, a test Webhook must be sent from a HubSpot Workflow to Postalytics. The window that is now open in your Postalytics account includes instructions on how to do this, but we’ll walk through the steps here as well.

Leave this window open as you move through the next steps.

Building the Workflow

From your HubSpot account, create a test Company-based Workflow with an enrollment trigger. When setting up Deal, Ticket, or Custom Object workflows, you’ll select that workflow type.

Required Address Fields to Mail

Be sure that all of the address data fields are populated with at least the required fields for Postalytics to mail. Those fields are: 

  • First Name (20 characters, alpha numeric) and Last Name (20 characters, alpha numeric) AND/OR

  • Company (40 characters, alpha numeric)

You may have either First Name and Last Name or Company Name or both. They will be printed on two separate lines above the rest of the address.

  • Address 1 (64 characters, alpha numeric)

  • City (50 characters, alpha numeric)

  • State/Providence (for US addresses either the 2 letter state short-name code “MA” or valid full state name “Massachusetts”)

  • Zip code/Postal Code (for US addresses either the 5 digit numeric “02370” or 5 dash 4 digit numeric “02370-1234”), (for Canadian addresses the 6 digit alpha numeric “K0K 4T5”)

  • Country (full or abbreviated. We’ll need this to split the list if it includes both US and Canada addresses)

  • You may also include an Address 2 field on records that require it (64 characters, alphanumeric). If you’re mailing to businesses within the same building, we recommend using this field. It will ensure delivery and enable the contact records to pass our deduplication process.

Set Up the Webhook

In the HubSpot Workflow, add the workflow action “Send a webhook”.

Next, set up the test webhook with the precise specs outlined below: 

  • Method = “Post”

  • Webhook URL = Copy/paste the Postalytics Request Webhook URL (from the Postalytics window left open) into the Webhook URL field

  • Authentication type = “API Key”

  • API Key* = Choose a Secret*. Select “Add Secret” 

  • Create a Secret Name*. 

  • Secret Value = Copy/paste the first line of the Request Header, including the word “Basic”. Save your Secret. This will only need to be set up once. Select this same secret with each of the object integrations you set up in the future.

*The Secret is a name or code that is set up as the API key so that you do not have to obtain the API key each time it is needed. Data security best practices are being followed by masking the actual code with a name.

  • API key = your secret name set up in the above steps

  • API key name = "Authorization"

  • API key location = “Request header”

  • Request Body = “Include all company properties”

Save your webhook

  • Select Test action and search for a record to send over to Postalytics for mapping. Make sure to choose a record with valid, proper address information.

  • Click “Test”. You should see a Status of “Success”

Map the Data Fields in Postalytics

Head back over to the Postalytics window and map the fields between Postalytics and HubSpot, using the dropdown menus for each field. This mapping ensures that your HubSpot data is inserted into the correct Postalytics fields to support your mailing and any personalization you’re planning to use.

Some tips for mapping:

  • In order to mail, you must have either a company name, a first name/last name combination, or a combination of all three: company, first and last name

  • Choose “Do not map this field” for fields you don’t want to integrate

  • You must choose an address, city, state/region, zip or postal code in order for the mailing to work properly

Select “Complete” when you’re finished.

Your Integration is Set Up and Ready to Use

You’re HubSpot Premium Company Object Integration is now complete and you are ready to move on to trigger direct mail from a HubSpot Company or other object!